The Fernwood Art Stroll is a non-juried event organized by the participating artists and artisans.
You are welcome to participate if you are an artist or artisan living in, or have a studio in the Fernwood/Oaklands area (we use Cook St., Hillside Ave., Shelbourne and Pandora as boundaries) and are available to host the public in your studio or yard on the Saturday and Sunday of the stroll (usually mid-June). You also need to commit to contribute 5 to 10 hours with one or more FAS working committees over the year, and attend membership meetings as called (kept to 1 hour, no more than once a month).
Membership entitles you to:
- Inclusion in the Fernwood Art Stroll (FAS) full colour printed brochure. Brochure space is limited, and will be allotted on a first paid, first served basis—get your application in early!
- An individual Artist’s page included on website:
- Meet and collaborate with other artists in your neighbourhood.
- Share in decision making on how the membership and Stroll are run.
- Member Artists may invite friend artists to show at their location, but only full paying members will be featured in the brochure and website.
Membership responsibilities:
- Submit full payment and contact information by March 1, 2024. (An early bird discount is available until February 7, 2024).
- Submit info, artist statement and .jpgs for brochure and web pages electronically by March 1, 2024. You will be contacted via email on how and where to submit these files.
- Attend and participate in planning meetings and decision making over the year.
- Contribute 5-10 hrs with one or more FAS work committees over the year.
- Help distribute brochures around the city prior to Stroll.
- Have fun creating and showing your work
Artist/Artisan application for participation in the 2024 Art Stroll is now open.
[ Click here for the Membership Form ]
We are now taking membership applications for the 2024 Art Stroll. An Early bird discount fee is available if received by Feb. 7, 2024. No applications will be considered after March 1, 2024.
We invite interested artists to fill out the form and email it to
Fees can be paid at one of the meetings before the deadlines; or by mail or in person at the address below.
Application deadline for the 2024 Fernwood Art Stroll is March 1, 2024, with fees and all required photos and info submitted by that day.
[ Click here for the Membership Form ]
Our mailing address
(for payment only)
Fernwood Art Stroll
1325 Balmoral Rd
Victoria BC V8R 1L6
For more information
Membership Fees 2024:
$75/year by February 7
(early application)
$100/year after February 7
(late application)
Make cheques payable to
Fernwood Art Stroll
… during the Art Stroll
All Covid safety protocols in place at the time of the Stroll will be followed, with the majority of artists showing their work outside (you get a Garden Tour for free!)
If needed, masks and hand sanitizer will be available at all venues.
A big thank you to artists and art strollers for keeping our community safe.